
Meghan’s Wine Nine of the Lansing Region

Meghan’s Wine Nine of the Lansing Region

Meghan dives into her wine recommendations in the Lansing region.

Hey guys!, Meghan McCormick here, the newest addition to the LEAP team. As a busy mom to travel sports kids, one of my favorite ways to unwind is by hiding from them in my room, with a glass of wine. When I do have the opportunity to go out, I can be found at one of my Wine Nine spots and I wanted to share that list with you!  

So, “sip” back, relax, and let’s get started on this wine adventure. 

Batter Up Bistro
Located at the old 621 Club location, am I aging myself? This place is intimate. Warm. Eclectic. I could go on, but those words from other reviews pretty much sum it up. Trust me, this spot is cozy perfection for savoring a nice glass of wine. 

They have a self-serve wine pouring station, do I need to say more? Don’t sleep on the hotel lobby bar connected to it. It’s like stumbling upon a secret oasis of wine bliss. You’re welcome in advance. 

The ultimate way to “wine” down after a day of hybrid or remote work. Just remember to close that laptop before you indulge, because I won’t be held responsible for your new business email signature “Sincerely, with razzle dazzle,”Blaming that on the wine. 

This is a great place to enjoy wine, especially when the weather warms up and live music starts to play. It’s an experience that you don’t want to miss. 

Dusty’s Taproom
Dustry’s Taproom knows the way to my heart – fries and wine. Classy snacks for classy people. Treat yourself, you deserve it. 

Bridge Street Social
Bridge Street Social +  Wine Wednesdays. If you know, you know. It’s like they sprinkle a little extra magic in the air or maybe that’s the effects of the  half off bottle of wine I ordered. 

Eaton Pub and Grill
Eaton Pub and Grill not only has a decent wine selection, they have generous pours. Which we can all agree, is very, very important.  

Soup Spoon
Great food, good wine, and during patio season, they let my dog join me (and they completely fuss over him!) 

And let’s not forget…the ball field – no, not the Lugnut’s. My 15 year old daughter has played travel softball since she was 8. All my travel sports parents can relate, it gets to the point where the snack cooler is less for the kid and more about bonding with your fellow team parent  cue wine pour.  

Category: LEAP Recommendations